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Can Bengal cats go outside? Get the answer from Untamed

The debate as to whether cat parents should let their feline friends roam outside freely is ongoing. The discussion seems to get even hotter when it comes to Bengals, considering their wild-cat genetics.

Can Bengal cats go outside? The answer is not that simple. This breed is a hybrid of a wild and domestic cat. They are incredibly active, love to climb trees, enjoy water and swimming, and adore hunting mice, birds, and lizards, so letting them follow their instincts seems like a wise idea. At the same time, keeping your feline companion inside is probably the best option if you want to keep them safe.

Untamed explains the positive and negative sides of both options to help you make the right decision.

Is it okay to let your Bengal go outside?

It is the 1645th day of my imprisonment. The birds are now mocking me. I’m plotting my escape and revenge.

Source: xaviera750

Your tiny leopard will benefit from outdoor activities, but you shouldn't let them go out unaccompanied. 

Bengals are intelligent and can handle themselves pretty well in the great outdoors, but they are not immune to various dangers, including cars, parasites, diseases, and other animals. An unneutered stud is especially at risk because they will roam searching for a queen, so if you want to let them play outside, you must take the necessary precautions. The best option is to provide them with an enclosed space in your garden.

When deciding whether you'll let your Bengal kitty go outside, you should consider:

  1. How they can benefit from going out
  2. Why you may want to keep them inside

Why should you let your Bengal go outside?

There are numerous reasons to let your Bengal go out, including:

  1. More exercise and entertainment
  2. Improved socialisation
  3. Friendlier attitude
  4. Stable mental health
  5. Freedom to follow their instincts

More physical activity means constant entertainment

Today, I’m focusing on my core strength. I’m practising balancing in the narrowest of places. 

Source: JanineWilkins

Bengals are among the most intelligent and energetic cat breeds, so they quickly get bored. It can make them wreak all sorts of havoc in your home—not because they are inherently naughty, but because they are looking for ways to entertain themselves.

If you let your tiny leopard play outside, it's unlikely they will ever get bored. They will also get plenty of opportunities to burn all that energy and stay happy and well-behaved when inside. Keeping your Bengal at a healthy weight will also be easier if you let them out—they won’t become lazy and gain extra pounds as they could if they were inside the house all the time.

Being out and about improves socialisation and boosts confidence

Socialisation is crucial when raising a Bengal. It begins in early kittenhood, so the cat should be allowed to stay with their mother for at least three whole months. They will start developing their social skills by observing their mother’s actions. While growing up, let them meet people and other animals to get used to strangers. 

Letting Bengal cats outside allows more socialisation. It exposes them to various stimuli and potentially scary situations, teaching them how to stay calm when interacting with people and animals

Letting Bengal cats go outside improves their general attitude

I scratched my claws off on these boards. Your sofa is safe (for now).

Source: Carola_66

Bengals are famous for giving their owners a hard time if they are dissatisfied. When they don't get enough attention and stimulation, they tend to:

  • Bite and nip unnecessarily
  • Become annoyingly loud
  • Scratch furniture
  • Ignore the litter box

Taking your kitty outside to play and explore can significantly help with such issues, as they will get the entertainment and exercise they need.

Going outside improves a cat's mental health

Stress and anxiety are the two primary reasons Bengal cats become unnecessarily aggressive and territorial. There are many different causes of stress, including:

  • Abrupt changes in the environment
  • New pets and family members
  • Lack of cognitive stimulation

Letting your furry friend go out can be their escape from potential stressors inside your home. Different scents, sights, and noises can excite their senses and make them feel better.

Exploring the great outdoors allows Bengals to express their natural behaviour

I see, I chase. That’s just the way it is. 

Source: Uschi_Du

Bengals are natural-born hunters, and they adore running, jumping, and exploring. They will scratch on trees, walk around the neighbourhood, and chase birds, mice, and other small animals when they go outside. It will keep them entertained, active, and happy, but you have to ensure they are safe from dangers lurking outside.

Why should you keep your Bengal cat indoors?

Wandering around offers many benefits but also comes with numerous risks, such as:

  1. Traffic accidents
  2. Getting stolen
  3. Infectious diseases, toxins, and parasites
  4. Other animals

Cars and cats are a bad combo

Traffic is a serious threat to cats. Even if you live in a rural or peaceful residential zone, you can’t be sure your Bengal will be safe. 

Bengals' hunting instincts are strong, and you can't trust them to stay in one area if you let them go outside without supervision. You never know how far they will roam—they might wander off too far while chasing their prey, which increases the risk of getting injured or killed by a car.

Catnappers are a serious threat

Heavy is the head that wears the crown of the prettiest of felines.

Source: lshman000

Bengal cats are gorgeous and posh, so they may fall prey to catnappers, especially if they are friendly with strangers. Good-looking Bengals can get sold at exorbitant prices.

Infectious diseases, toxins, and parasites lurk around every corner

If you let your Bengal play outside unsupervised, their inquisitiveness may put them in harm's way. They may get poisoned by:

It is also common for kitties to get hurt by a nail or similar sharp objects, which can lead to serious infections. 

Other animals can injure your Bengal

I have seen the fight. I have a chipped ear. The great outdoors will see no more of me. 

Source: Irina_kukuts

Other animals may hurt your Bengal. If your kitty gets into a catfight, they may get seriously injured or even contract diseases like the feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV).

Dogs are also a potential danger. Many of them don’t get along with cats, and your Bengal may be in even greater danger if they are used to canines and like to interact with them. 

How to ensure your Bengal is happy and healthy indoors

If you can't create an enclosed space in your garden for your feline friend to play safely and letting them roam freely is out of the question, there's no need to worry. Your Bengal can still be happy and healthy indoors—all you need to do is:

  1. Create fun and stimulating environment for them
  2. Feed them adequate portions of well-balanced, high-quality food

How to create a fun home for your Bengal

If you want your kitty to be happy and active inside, you should spend at least half an hour playing with them every day. As Bengals are not typical lap cats, they will cherish such moments. 

These felines are also easy to train, so you can teach them many fun tricks, such as sitting, lying down, playing hide and seek, or giving high fives on command. These activities will ensure your Bengal burns all the energy, stays fit, and satisfies their need for cognitive stimulation.

You must also ensure your kitty has fun while you are away or have no time to play. Organise a space where they can run around, jump, and climb freely. Here's what you can do:

  • Install perches
  • Get a cat tree
  • Set up several scratching posts
  • Buy loads of interactive toys
  • Invest in food puzzles

What's the best diet for your Bengal?

The best food for your Bengal is based on meat and fish.

Image (c) Untamed

All felines have similar nutritional needs, but various cat food options on the market can make it hard to pick the right one. Whether you choose wet, dry, semi-moist, raw, or homemade meals, you must ensure they get suitable quantities of:

  1. Animal protein
  2. Animal fat

Animal protein

Animal protein from meat is the only source of essential amino acids, such as taurine and arginine, that cats need for:

  • Energy
  • Strong muscles
  • Healthy skin and coat
  • Proper organ function

Vegan or vegetarian diets aren’t suitable for cats, as felines lack the enzymes necessary to break down and absorb all the nutrients from vegetables, fruits, and grains properly. The cat food products you opt for should contain the following ingredients in the first place:

Beef, pork, ham, and bacon are also acceptable but only as occasional treats because of their high-fat content.

Ingredients you should avoid are:

If your kitty is constipated, you can feed them tiny portions of banana, mango, or green beans, but such food should not be a part of their regular diet.

Animal fat

Animal fat gives irresistible taste to cat food, so even fussy Bengals can't resist it. It also delivers healthy fatty acids, crucial for your cat's organ function and overall health.

Yor Bengal should eat high-protein, low-carb food with a suitable amount of animal fat.

Here are the percentages you should look for:


Recommended percentage

Animal protein

More than 50%

Animal fat

Less than 20%


Up to 3%

How can Untamed help keep your Bengal healthy and happy at home?

Untamed has everything your Bengal needs!

Image (c) Untamed

Untamed keeps your Bengal healthy and fit even if they don't go out.

All Untamed dishes are created to satisfy your cat's nutritional needs. Every jelly and gravy meal we produce is:

Order Untamed to get the best and healthiest food for your furry friend!

Three steps to your first Untamed delivery

Your Bengal won't feel the need to go hunting if you respect their natural eating habits, which you can easily do with Untamed.

Order your first trial pack in three easy steps:

  1. Tell us about your Bengal
  2. Pick the products
  3. Place your order

The taster pack will be on your doorstep in a day. After your Bengal tastes all the dishes and picks their favourites, we can keep sending you monthly supplies so that your cabinet is never empty.

Many satisfied cat parents who switched their kitties to Untamed say you can expect the following results:


What you can expect

After a week

  • Tidier litter box
  • Better mood

After two months

  • Improved muscle tone
  • Even energy levels

Within four months
